CHAINMASTER D8Plus StageOperator(D8プラス ステージオペレーター)

CHAINMASTER D8Plus StageOperator(D8プラス ステージオペレーター)



The D8plus StageOprator Series CM-850 has been developed for the safe setup-operation of chain hoists in direct control or low-voltage control.


On the basis of its intuitive software and the integrated touchscreen the D8plus StageOperator offers a high level of operating comfort for mobile applications or in permanent fixed installations. The integration of load measuring cells ensures a secured operation according SQ P2. The progressive network technology enables the configuration of chain hoist systems by a network integrated PC on browser-basis. Depending on the used operating unit up to eight systems sections with maximum 48 drives each can be configurated.


・Linkable Motor Distributions Network-based
・Password Management
・Intergated Manual Mode
・Import of Hall Drawings
・Radio Remote Controls available
・User & Alarm Logbook
・Load monitoring
・Group shut down

