Fiilex Q8 COLOR(フィーレックス) [新品]
The Q8 Color is a 320W 8” LED Fresnel that generates high-quality full-color light output. This fixt…
Fiilex Q5 COLOR(フィーレックス) [新品]
The Q5 Color is a 185W 5” LED Fresnel that generates high-quality RGBW light output. This fixture us…
Fiilex QUAD COLOR(フィーレックス) [新品]
The QUAD Color is a super-bright punch light that emits 1360W of LED illumination. Powerful yet comp…
Fiilex Matrix COLOR(フィーレックス) [新品]
The Matrix Color is a 320W LED fixture that combines high-fidelity soft-source illumination with a f…
Fiilex P3 Color PRO(フィーレックス) [新品]
Fiilex P3 Color PRO The P3 Color is a portable 90W LED fixture that packs a ton of features into…
Fiilex P3 Color(フィーレックス) [新品]
Fiilex P3 Color (ライト本体のみ) ※付属品は以下をご確認ください。 The P3 Color is a portable 90W LED fixture that packs…
Fiilex P3 Color用ケース(4灯用)(フィーレックス) [新品]
Fiilex P3 Color用ケース(4灯用) ■概要 ・Durable rolling case with laser-cut foam interior ・Telescopic han…
Fiilex P3 Color用スタンド(フィーレックス) [新品]
Fiilex P3 Color用スタンド